Saturday, August 23, 2014

Blanco is still doing well! No biting and he even has been coming onto my chest when I lay on the ground and  has been chinning my face! We both sure have come such a long way since those first few days when I was terrified of him! I was thinking back to when I would wrap my ankles in aluminum pans because I was so afraid he was going to bite me when I was cleaning his area. Look at us now!

 As weird as this sounds, I have been laying on the ground a lot to try to bond a bit with Blanco. I figure if I get on his level it will help. Plus, I realized that if I look up I have an amazing view of the clouds passing by and this palm tree. No matter how long it's been since I moved to California, I am STILL fascinated by palm trees. To me they symbolize living in paradise.
My view when I am looking up from laying on ground

Chinning my face!

He hasn't sneezed up any more snot since the beginning of August and I am thankful Linda has been giving him antitbiotic shots every few days to help. His nose is green by his nostrils, but I can't help but think it is just stained, since he has not had a wet, runny nose or has sneezed at all. I really want to get him a friend soon, so his nose issues have to go away! :)

He started spraying again at times. I am trying to figure out WHY. The other day he sprayed so much pee on me I had to take a shower. Man, was I made but I never let it show. Instead I try to understand why.
My only theories are:
~still hormones from neutering
~territory (this is MY space)
~just's possible he was neutered so late that the spraying is something we need to deal with
~he gets mad at something I have yet to figure out.

So, whenever we let him out of his cage now, we stay away from him at first until he has a chance to run around on his own and pee somewhere (he ALWAYS feels the need to pee in the yard somewhere - mostly by the door to our house.) Craig is certain he saves pee just for when he is let out. Anyway, doing this has been helping with the spraying issue the past few days.

Look at me lounge!

I love my mom so I chin her.

AWESOME gift from Michelle!

One of his new favorite treats - dandelion leaves!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Blanco has been doing great! No biting all month other than the occasional nibble on my sneakers! :) He and I have come a long way with trusting each other. It makes me so happy to see him run around the yard and jump with joy. He has been more and more comfortable coming to us for pets and sitting in our laps. Craig has been much more involved with him lately - I find him sitting outside in the backyard with a beer and Blanco - it makes me so happy to see the 2 of them bonding more and more! I feel very lucky that Craig loves Blanco as much as me and has never complained about him when he pees by the door (we hose it right down) or when we have to walk around the yard to pick up poops.
Craig made him a little tunnel out of cardboard and he LOVES to run through it now!

He's also been doing the "Bunny 500" in the yard where he runs laps around the yard. At first I thought it was just exercise, but I learned today that it means they are overjoyed! Extremely happy!! Like jumping with joy! Wooooo! :)

Last week I noticed some discharge from his nose and one day after he was grooming his face, he made a weird noise and snotted out a bit of mucous from his nose. I called Linda and she told me that he most likely just has a "bunny cold." She has been helping me with antibiotic shots and teaching me so much about bunny health. I am so thankful for all of her education and help!

bunny kisses are the best!
It warms my heart whenever he sits in my lap. We have both come so far with trusting each other. I will never forget how afraid I was of him the first week I had him after he but be badly twice. I have learned how to read bunny behavior and he has learned how to read me better. It's been such a beautiful journey so far!!