Sunday, June 29, 2014

I transitioned Blanco to his outside home today and I'm hoping for the best! So far her seems quite happy in there! I put some of his old poop and pee in the new highback litter box, hoping he will use that. He had a bad habit of sitting in the litter box while it was in the bathroom and peeing just outside of it, as if his butt was hanging over the edge. We will see if this helps.

I put the carrier near the entrance of his new house and after a few minutes he saw his favorite treats and ventured in. The first thing he did was sniff and explore the downstairs area...then he started to chin rub everything down there. "Mine...mine...mine!!!"

First steps out of carrier to new home

I placed some parsley about halfway up the ramp with more up top to coax him up there. It took about 5 minutes for him to explore the upstairs area! he even went into his "bedroom" for a bit.

"Look mom! I made it up!"
Next, he got some exercise! He started to run up and down the ramps and back and forth on the bottom level for a bit. I noticed him chin rubbing some more and now he is sprawled out on the bottom level - front paws forward and back paws back as if he in lounging on a couch or something! I sure hope that he enjoys this new home. 
Chillin' in his new casa...

I am trying to just leave him alone in his house for today so he can get used to it. I did go out to give him some pellets before and when I opened the front door he sprayed me with pee -  it got all over my arm and my pants :(

Then, he did it again when I brought the dog out there (Jenny the dog was awesome when we went out whining or barking by the Bun House!)

I'm hoping that's just a temporary is a big day for him, just like the first day in the bathroom was. He needs his space and time...

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