On the first day they did sit by each other in separate x-pens, but there was some aggressive chasing by Blanco when they were put together. Linda said the day went as would be expected for an unsocialized bunny, so there's hope!
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Welcoming committee |
Thursday, March 26
Linda said that it was another successful day. They were mirroring each other and when I went there after school, it was evident that "Girlfriend" was quite interested in Blanco. I got to watch when Linda put them together. Girlfriend kept coming over and wanted to check out Blanco. There was some chasing between the two of them, so Linda separated them when it got to be too much.
Friday, March 27
Craig could not get him into the carrier this morning, but luckily I was able to when I came home for lunch. It is getting harder to get him into the carrier. Today when they were together, I watched Girlfriend come over by Blanco - she was definitely brave! There was a bit of time where they were in the same area at the same time peacefully, then Girlfriend started to come by Blanco and chase him (seemed very innocent - Linda said it was to try to establish dominance.) Then, Blanco chased her a bit too aggressively and she fell into the water bowl and was soaking wet. Linda then separated them and I took him home. He was breathing very fast and looked stunned after coming home in the carrier. That always happens for the carrier, but I am starting to feel very badly about having to put him in it twice a day if it stresses him so much.
Saturday, March 28
It was even harder to get Blanco into his carrier today. This morning he didn't even want to come out of his home and play in the yard like he usually does. It seems like he sees me as the big bad lady who wants to put him in the carrier and stress him out now. I am really nervous that he sees me differently. After all the time I spent gaining his trust and love, that is the last thing I want, so I may talk to Linda today about him staying there instead of being transported back and forth in a carrier each day.
Girlfriend coming by Blanco |
Mad bunny :( |
Sunday - Wednesday
Much of the same behavior - they are ok in the same pen for about 30 minutes and then the chasing / fighting starts. Yesterday they went nose to nose a few times, but neither gave in to groom. I think they are both being stubborn. Blanco seems much happier not having to travel back and forth - he's got a "hotel room" there and I come visit every day and bring him his nightly snack.
Bunny hotel |
Thursday April 2
I was over there for about 3 hours and there was some chasing by Blanco which caused the girl to hide in the tube for a long time, but after awhile they were eating in the same area. There was some nose to nose contact, but neither would give in to groom.
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Hoping she comes home with us soon! |
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Someone was hungry after hiding in the tube for awhile! |
Friday April 3
Blanco definitely seems to want to hang close to her - he keeps trying to sniff her and sniff her bottom, but she keeps running away when he does that. The different thing we noticed is that Blanco is not chasing her around after she denies his advances anymore. It is almost like he learned to respect her and just let her be without chasing. One awesome breakthrough today was that Blanco groomed her nose!!!!!!! He was trying to also groom her back, but she didn't seem to want that yet.
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"NOW I want him to pay attention to me and he's snoozing!" |
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Positive eating together! |
Towards the end of the session yesterday we took away most of the hiding spots (tubes, etc) from the girl to see what would happen. She seemed nervous at first but then seemed to feel more comfortable around Blanco. He remains respectful when she does not want to be bothered. We saw some attempts by him to mount her, but nothing serious and no serious chasing anymore like we saw in the beginning sessions.
We also PLACED them next to each other while I was in the x-pen with them and we pet them both for a bit.....Blanco started to snuggle his head into her!!! This lasted only a few minutes, but was a huge breakthrough. After that, they seemed MUCH more comfortable with each other and we saw Blanco grooming her nose again and still trying for her back!!!!
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"OMG he's snuggling by me! What do I do??!!" |
Easter Sunday!!!!!
Blanco and girlfriend got to come home today!!!! We decided to give it a try based on all the progress we saw over the last 2 days. At first, girlfriend seemed stunned to be in a new place, but Blanco was very comfortable. Even though it was a brand new living space, I think Blanco still recognized the yard as "home" and comfortable surroundings. At first they were just sitting in separate litter boxes, but then I saw Blanco go over and tell girlfriend that everything will be ok....
The rest of the day went beautifully! No chasing, no fighting, eating together....and this!!!!
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LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! During the night I did not hear a peep! I peeked out at about 3am and they were snuggling together on the rug. SO excited to see what the next days bring! |
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